My Peepz

Mah PeePz

ABC's of Friendship

Casey~*~one of the kewlest people you'll ever want to meet. shez one of my old peepz from Emmaus. She has great artisticism. yeahp she sure does..and shez gonna rave wit us. uh huhs! Goldpants: you're the true mack daddy; your one dangerous mofo.

Robyn~*~a crackhead mental-giant like me that knows that math should never be made into a spectator sport. XKoRnKaosX: crackhead!!

Jeff~*~a hottie with da body...hez got it going on. he has these sudden urges to take people and fuck them in the potty room but shhhhhh...thatz okay! SyrianPimp84: Nikki gives good head.

Heather~*~the other string cheese party founder(yup im the other)...ITZ NOT FUN(or whatever i said when i waz throwin up). thatz right we do crazy shit at our string cheese parties. letz have another and just drink ourselves to death...celebrate for passing the dreaded DRUG test and now you dont even do drugz no more!! lol...oh wellz! L7cRiSiS (11:13:04 PM): hi nikki L7cRiSiS (11:13:08 PM): you don't smell funny

Justin~*~a dude from Florida that I promised I'd come visit...and then in florida, it never works out. oh well, someday! UF4life02: your hott

Bethany~*~you are the biggest slut i ever met! j/k ya know i luv you. wanna take a shower w/us?? hehe! SheDvil143 (12:34:33 PM): you are very fun to hang with ....

Jen~*~a sweet chic...but when she wantz to be she can be a bitch...we're the best..right! pbbles00: your the best

Ashley~*~a really kewl girl that is always there to listen to my problemz...and to write good editz. YummyCake20: Nikki is awesome!! Lunch is fun!

Cathryn~*~yoooo you are sooooo awesome! I know I owe ya a lot of spaghetios, I'll give em back one of these days and you better be able to come to the rave, I don't care if you're grounded for a year...itll work out!Funkyspunk414 (5:31:55 PM): to nikki a.k.a. chickenhead - way to be a fucking fun person

Marlene~*~RRRRiighhht itz always fun to make fun of amy...j/k. ANYWAYS...what can i say? Marlenez the kewlest chic..I LIKE BIG BUTTZ AND I CANNOT LIE...hehe Dominicana0002: Nikki, my skinny, boneless, crazy fingers and legs friend. Even thoungh you are a bitch in American Studies Class. I still LUV YA!!!!

Mark~*~one of my online hottiez that never called me! you have my # now so you better use it..."anytime, anywhere"<--thatz right, it meanz that. ArabPimp27: u r nice

Mike~*~an awesome "allentown bitch" that you just got to luv...we got to smoke up sometime yo! get a ride from tiff..yeahyeah. Shaydee Myke: Hey chicka your cool...wanna fuck Shaydee Myke: ;x

CinCin~*~Will you sit with me at lunch??? Ewwwie you like Skittlez Senior....hez soo yucky SORRY!!! N DUUUUUUUDE is sooooooo hot. Cincin: Nikki is the kewlest chica. Dude isssss soooo hot!!! Shutup about Skittles Senior. I still like apples more!

Lauren~*~ what would that summer have been without you? aghh DAMIAN..we'll always remember and love that great guy..haha <> we got to chill one of these dayz since we're always "bored" all the time...GiaLegs: Your a cool, kick ass girl who i met working at Dorney Love ya lots, *Laur-Baby*

Pam~*~Pamz my alcoholic drinkin buddie! She drank all my hooch but thatz okay cuz therez always weed for me. Yeahhhh chickenz yummy!!! Pam: Nikkis my slutty chicken loving friend.

Kevin~*~an all-around nice guy that can always make me laugh..hez a cutie too(yup i said it)...hez got a nice grabbable ass too Phirestarter2002: Well what can i say, this is Nicki we are talking about, she is like the coolest, she has this thing with grabbing my ass though, but it's all good, lol. Peace Out Nicki.

Amy~*~one of my smoker bathroom buddiez that always has a cig when i need one! one of these dayz we got to go to gap together and go to work

Steph~*~one of those kewl down to earth chics your lucky to get to now she moved to Northampton so i dont get to see her no more..but one day we're all gonna chill so it be all good! SRush15: umm...Nikki is a funny slut and I love her to death...JUST KIDDING!!!

Jeremy~*~a kewl egyptian like me thatz gettin better at keepin those girlz..but still bein a playa while doin that truplaya2386: ur cool

Mark~*~a really kewl dude on my bus thatz always great to tell your problems too(sorry i had to put that) yeahyeah kuch101: Nikki's the bomb and i cant wait to smoke a bowl wit her

Jess~*~an awesome chic that goes on fun lil walkz with me when im high and protectz me from those evil carz that try to hit me! dont forget...haha, and my brother saw you sneakin out the other night! luv ya!...LiLSis092: nikki u r alwayz there to give me a cig!!

Jenny~*~I am not a statistic...Jenny Handwerk and Nikki Zangl..thatz how itz gonna be ...uh huhs!Jenny54x (11:12:22 PM): Your not a statistic 'n' your awesome to hang out with (like the time we poked the statue's pee pee with the flags on halloween)

Krystalee~*~my mom thatz a lil younger than me...howz that possible? we're all crackheadz, remember??!! ZubH20Vol: she's a wonderful daughter

Eddie~*~"eddie asshole"<--sorry had to put that...well you're a pretty kewl dude an you still owe me those hoochez...since i try to set you up with all my friends...yeahyeah...Souldead01: nikki is cool....but i owe her hooochhhhes!!!!!!!!!! nooooooo my beer lol

Steph~*~ never forget the shag shed, and last summer and all the parties...and not being able to move and falling over drunk...letz just say...we rule! BLOZZUM16: umm...this summer would not have been as much fun with out u stay the same and dont forget our puppet shows or the water fights!

Matt~*~the first guy I met at turned out to be really kewl...itz really weird the way we met and i hope we stay friends for a long time. H a r s h W is pr: your easy going and easy to get along with especially when on your good side.

Hilary~*~ a friend with da ghetto booty and the dance moves to go with it..shake that ass! Hilary45: you should be in the remake of the truth about cats and dogs

Timmy~*~ My lil buddie from emmaus...never forget the rock-a-thon...u and alaina sure were getting it on!!(bad memories??)<---lol. Poe46L: your a kick ass friend

Emily~*~ a kewl chic that helpz me out when i need to check up on a couple of guyz...we help each other out in that department! we got to chill sometime!! PrNcEssEMiLy4eVa: Nicki: yeahh! nicki's one phat chica... we gotz to team up and "take care of" t-rex.

Alaina~*~one of my emmauz peepz that once had a baby during lunch...howz that baby doin today grl? Don't race shopping cartz no more...alaina~ ur a puerterican slut with black hair<--- i think she waz hallucinating the whole time we were friendz back in junior high

Alicia~*~a kewl gurl that i used to make drug dealz wit outside of red robinz wit. I made more dealz than her!! waz really kewl seeing you at the mall and we have to chill again...yupyup Babyphat88: hmm me and Nikki r gonna have a tobacco company one of these days and her daddy is richer than mine!

And herez a quick shout out to a couple of peoplez that dont have Internet and can't see my page..but still deserve dat recognition(big word big word!): Janelle~awww im gonna miss you when you graduate...FaShIoN pOlIcE 4EvA!

Giselle~June 6th! Never 4get the NY trip..that waz fun. OMG Carson! n shoppin waz fun hehe

Noelle~Another June 6th! Yooooo why do I hate bathing suits??? LoL...i HATE pictures!

Nicole~That NY trip waz pretty phat..haha remember->have you ever seen snow(man from San Francisco)

Jess~ LoL..I can't wait til those pics from the bathroom get back...we be the SmoKer gIrLiEz! w/like 50 gazillion other peoples

Junior~isn't the girls room fun to chill with? Hahaha you got to come in some other time..yeah baby yeah!

Honald~ yeah you too, the girls room is just sooo fun. lol that waz soo funny

Amanda~ Thank god for Marvin. I said thank just didn't hear me! yeah thatz right

Sabrina~ We be the best cheaterz in Bio, yeah me u n Cincin. And she wonders why we went from F's to B's lol

Cynthia~ Yo...did you really do that dance in the red boots...DAMN I missed it! Lets eat some cheese!

Sara~ My Locker Protector!!

Michael~ My lil buddie!