Mah Marijuana Profile

  • Chicken
  • Beef
  • Grass
  • MaryJane
  • Green

      Placez me have smoked(how many times=*)
    • Parties (Petez, STP, Jenz, etc.)****
    • In da woods**
    • Carnivalz***
    • My bedroom******
    • Underneath Bridges*(the grafitti is still there!)
    • In boxes near Mobil*
    • Friends bedrooms********
    • Alleyz late at night*
    • Mall Bathroom*
    • Behind certain restraunts*
    • Cars*****
    • Friend's Porches**
        Fun Thingz We Do When Stoned
      • Run..."Oh my god, I can't stop running. Yo man, I should join the track team and everytime before we run I'll just smoke a few bowls and our team will be the shit!"
      • Dance..."Feel the music! I can feel it..can you feel it!"
      • Play Arcade Games..."Damnit turn it on! I'm winning! Oh my god your in 32nd place, now 31st, 30th! 29th!, etc."
      • Eat, eat, eat! "Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrread!!! Give me some of dat!" "Yum, this cake looks good, you wanna piece, ahh fuck that bring the whole thing!"
      • Repeat the same 2 words over and over..."Fuckin yoooooooooooooooo, fuckin yoooooooooo!! Fuckin yooooooooo!
      • Tell silly jokes. "Yeah once there was this guy that was walking across the street and he crossed the street and he found the chicken and he smoked it and then he crossed the street and then he found the chicken....on and on and on"
      • Stare at the seat in front of you. "Heather!!!! Heather!! Oh my god I think shez dead!"
      • Watch movies that are confusing...Dogma--->"Yo man, I can't figure out whoz the angel or whoz the devil...maybe it's the dog."