A Lil Info 'Bout Me...
*N*i*k*k*I, or ya can just call me one of my nIcKnaMeZ: ShoRtIe, NikkIbAtcH, ChIcKeN, etc

~*~I'm haviN fUn PlaYin WiT Da BoYz, BuT iF mY kInDa QT cOmEz ArOunD, I'M aLL 4 a ReLaTiOnShiP!
~*~May 27th, '84. Clear the road old fogiez cuz i'm gonna be drivin soon...~*~
days 'til I go for my License!WHOOOO HOOOO~*~
**JcPenneys** in the Lehigh*Valley*Mall
~*~chillen w/my girls n those seXe boyz, smOkIn dat FINNNE chicken, roLLin*egh*, and CraYonS(hygb or most of ya know it as ACID), juSt bEin bAd, gOiN 2 rAvEs (*maSSaGe QuEEn*), dAnCiN, pArTyIng, DrInkIng, hAngIng out At ThOse dIneRz, aNnoyInG thE AnnOyin PeoPle, and lOtz n LoTz moRE!

~*~Weeds a seed that comes from the ground if god didn't like it, that good stuff wouldn't be around.~*~~*~Forget regret or life is yours to miss~*~Its our imperfections that make us so perfect!~*~Stop, Drop, N roLL~*~